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The ecosystem of startups is as strong as the community around it. The community involves founders, co-founders, employees, investors, mentors, clients and more. It would be possible for a startup to grow easily only with the help of a strong community. Thus, we are open to people from across domains joining us in various capacities. You can join us as:


If you are an industry expert, an experienced professional or an entrepreneur or one with experience in entrepreneurship, then we would love to explore opportunities of having you as our mentor. You are requested to express your interest to join as mentor by filling out the below form.


Are you active in the startup ecosystem? Do you have products or services that startups can make use of? Or are you looking to join hands with us for an initiative of yours that would be great for startups? That’s great then! Let us know what you have in mind using the form below and we shall get in touch with you within 24 hours!


Are you a seasoned investor? or are you the one who always wanted to become an investor? We have startups that are really working hard to become the next unicorn and they could certainly use your help in funding for growth! This will also allow you to put your money in the right place! Get in touch with the team and we shall discuss that best way to utilize the funds that you would like to invest for startups!

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